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Routing reply notifications by lead category (e.g. send interested replies to Slack)

How to create a HubSpot workflow that notifies you based on the categorization of the email reply.

Create a workflow

Head over to your Marketing workflows in HubSpot and create a "Contact based" Workflow. Choose the enrollment trigger "When filter criteria is met"

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 11.52.47 AM

Scroll down until you locate "OutboundSync"

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Then locate the filter "OutboundSync: Email Reply properties"

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Choose the "Occurred" filter" and then choose the value "Is known" from the drop-down list

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Click "Save" and head back to your workflow view.

Add a slight delay (Optional)

Now, there is sometimes a lag between when categorization is applied and when it flows through from Smartlead into HubSpot.

If you want to reduce noise related to these workflows, you can optionally add a delay of anywhere from 1-5 minutes. 

Do this by clicking the "Delay" action and setting a time. 

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Branching based on lead category

Do you know how to fetch Lead Category IDs from OutboundSync? If not, review this article for a refresher. It will help you complete this next part!

Next, we're going to want to add a "Branch" filter. In this case, we'll start with how to handle an Out of Office reply. 

We will go to OutboundSync to fetch our Lead Category IDs.

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Now, select the second option "Based on matching filter criteria" and then name your first branch "💼 In the Office".

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 11.55.50 AM

Add a filter to that same branch by clicking on " + Add filter " and scrolling down until you locate "OutboundSync" . Choose the filter "OutboundSync: Lead Category Updates properties" and then choose the value "Lead Category ID" from the list

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 11.57.04 AM


Change the filter to "is NOT equal any of"  and type in " 6 " then hit "Enter" on your keyboard

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Head back to your workflow view and add a task step after the "💼 In the Office"  branch

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Now, it's your turn!

This is just an example! You can set up your own advanced routing for different lead categories, different notifications (like Slack), and more. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can help you build your perfect workflow.