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How to Re-Enroll Contacts in HubSpot Workflows

A Step-by-Step Guide to Re-enrolling Contacts Based on Specific Criteria in HubSpot Workflows

Re-enrolling contacts in a workflow is useful when you want them to go through the same process again, or have them go through a new or updated workflow.


  • Access the workflow:
    • Navigate to your HubSpot dashboard.
    • Go to the "Automation" tab and select "Workflows."
    • Find and open the workflow in which you want to re-enroll contacts.

Steps to Re-Enroll Contacts:

  1. Enable Re-enrollment:
    • In the workflow editor, click on the trigger that enrolls contacts.
    • Select the "Re-enrollment" tab.
    • Enable the “Allow contacts to re-enroll after completing the workflow” option.
    • Choose the specific criteria that will allow contacts to be re-enrolled

  2. Review Workflow Settings (Optional):
    • Ensure that the workflow's actions are appropriate for re-enrolled contacts.
  3. Test the Workflow (Optional):
    • Use the HubSpot "Test" feature to simulate the re-enrollment process.
    • Confirm that contacts are being re-enrolled and progressing through the workflow as expected.
    • Alternatively, you can use OutboundSync’s Testing Modal to test changes to your workflows
  4. Save and Activate:
    • Once you’ve configured the re-enrollment settings, click “Save” to apply the changes.

    • If the workflow is currently active, a display showing the number of contacts that qualify for re-enrollment will appear.
    • Choose whether you would like to enroll them by selecting “Save and enroll existing contacts”, or you can choose to save without enrolling them.
    • Activate the workflow if it’s not already live.

Important Considerations:

  • Duplicate Enrollments: Ensure your workflow is designed to handle contacts being re-enrolled without causing issues, such as duplicate tasks or emails.
  • Re-enrollment Limits: Be mindful of any limits set by HubSpot on the number of times a contact can be enrolled in a workflow.