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How to get notified of new activity (like replies) with a HubSpot workflow

Create email, Slack, and other notifications about OutboundSync activity to get back to leads quickly.

When you use OutboundSync to send cold outbound off-platform and pull it into HubSpot, one of the most important things is making sure that your team is notified to take action in HubSpot.

OutboundSync allows you to create powerful automation inside of HubSpot to manage your outbound activity—versus using another low code or no code tool like Make or Zapier. 

You will want to customize this to your own organization's requirements. So use this as a reference but be sure to build to your own requirements. 

Be notified of first reply

Purpose: The purpose of this workflow is to send an internal email notification to the contact owner each time there is a reply to an OutboundSync campaign.

Trigger Criteria: The contact has an "OutboundSync: Email Reply" event where the "Campaign ID" is known, indicating that they have replied to an outbound campaign.

Actions: It sends an internal email notification to the contact owner. The email includes the full name of the contact who replied to the OutboundSync campaign.

Restrictions: Contacts are not set to re-enroll into this workflow automatically. This means they will only receive this notification once under the current settings, and not for subsequent replies.

Intended Use: This workflow is intended to alert contact owners in real-time when they receive a reply from a contact to any outbound campaign, allowing for timely follow-up actions.

Possible modifications

Send to Slack: You can send to Slack instead of, or in addition to, sending an email. First, make sure that the Slack app is installed from the HubSpot App Marketplace. Then add a new action, look for Slack, and configure the notification as you see fit.  

Create a trailing task: The workflow only sends an email. You could create a trailing task for a sales rep to ensure that the email was followed up on. To enable this, add an action in the workflow to create a task and assign it to the Contact Owner.